Therapy is about possibilities:
Inner and outer growth with nature in mind.
For the people - For the planet.
Individual and Couples Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy helps to resolve psychological issues and get rid of troublesome symptoms. It helps us get in touch with resources and develop our real potential.
Nature-Based Therapy
Nature-Based Therapy uses nature as a tool to promote health. It is based on the therapeutic use of sensory experiences. By reconnecting with nature and experiencing its beauty, a sense of belongingness emerges, and life becomes more meaningful.
Programs and Workshops
Accessible, and meaningful group counselling opportunities that bring people together in community and reduce the stigma of mental health. Online and in-person.

Forest bathing - the healing aspect of the forest
Forest Therapy is a nature-based intervention that considers the specific needs of individuals and the natural and social environment in which they live. It approaches health as the result of an adaptive process of the human being to his physical and social environment.
I am a certified guide and forest therapist.
I trained as a forest bathing guide and forest therapist with one of the largest organizations that support and popularize nature connection activities- Forest Therapy Hub (FTH). One of its goals is to bring together professional guides from around the world. This way they ensure high standards of guiding forest walks.
Its story begins in Japan, where the therapeutic power of the forest has been used as a solution to heal the overworked society. The art of connecting to nature not only reduces stress, anxiety, oxygenates the entire body, but also allows us to enter a state of long-term relaxation.
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Being in the forest, we become one of the elements of the lush ecosystem. Instead of bathing in water, we bathe in the healing atmosphere of the forest, a park or a garden. We become rooted, which gives us a sense of security and connection to ourselves. Extensive research was done into the positive health effects of forest bathing and so the practice spread worldwide. Forest bathing is proven to boost physical and mental wellbeing and build resilience.
I’m an ecopsychologist, psychotherapist and an educator
I accompany my clients everyday in their process of understanding and managing their feelings. Through a holistic approach, I can help you to reconnect deeply within yourself, unfold your potential and find a sense of wholeness and peace. My desire is to help you feel fulfilled, empowered and happy in your life. My toolbox includes psychotherapy and nature-based therapy practices, as well as body-based practices.
I work with nature in mind.
For You and for the Planet.